本班開設有兒童基礎(正音)班、小學一年級至六年級、國中班、高中班、會考班以及國際班(外國人)等班級,本班採學年制,每一學年分四個學期,每學期上課九(次)週 (每個禮拜六早上九點至十二點) 計27個小時;本班現有教師、職員計十九人共同組織成立管理委員會,獨立共同經營班務運作。
The purpose of the establishment
The purpose of this class is to provide overseas students with an excellent Chinese learning environment to promote overseas Chinese education and carry forward the Chinese cultural traditions. At the same time, the teaching materials of this class are based on the materials provided by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee of the Republic of China ( OCAC ) or other Chinese language teaching material.
The teaching materials of this class are based on traditional characters Chinese textbooks and the other to supplement the teaching of Chinese phonetic alphabet.
The class offers: basic classes for children, primary school from grades 1 to 6, junior high school classes, high school classes, general examination classes, and international classes.
Classes are held for nine (times) weeks per term (every Saturday from 9:00 am to 12:00 am) for a total of 27 hours;
The class adopts an academic year system, each academic year is divided into four(4) terms.